I will just scrape the surface in this discussion of certain weapons and their acceptability. This will be a non-technical look at certain firearms with their effective use. The last line of defence is the immediate three to seven yards around your person. In this last ditch personal defense zone it is critical to mount a defense that will stop or deter the threat.
Weapons that have suffered unfair criticism form the "Paper Warriors" of the Gun Magazines are the 22LR, .25ACP and .32ACP firearms. These weapons can be as deadly as a 9MM or .45ACP it all depends on the targeted area and distance to target.
Taurus .22 cal Semi-Auto |
The 22LR and .25ACP are usually the most under rated in the Mini Pocket pistol category. The 22LR such as the one pictured to the right is very concealable and as with the other small calibers it requires targeting the Head and Neck for effective stopping effect. This requirement is the same with the .25ACP pistol also pictured below. Shots must be taken within the area of the head and neck to be effective. A factor in targeting the head and neck is the fact winter clothing doesn't impair penetration of the light projectile. Winter clothing may effect the penetration capabilities of the smaller rounds in the center mass shot.
The .32ACP weapon has the capability to penetrate better than the 22LR or 25ACP at the three to seven yard marker, so it will increase the target area to include the center mass shots. I would encourage multi-shots preferably two shots from any of the pocket pistols. Go to the range and practice two shot drills with your pocket pistol at the three and seven yard line concentrating on head and neck shots. Be familiar with your weapon as well as your capabilities with it.
All of the weapons pictured are capable of being concealed in inventive location on and around your body. My favorite is the pocket .25ACP inside the waist band holster on my belt. Well, there are many other locations and innocent containers available. It is a pocket pistol, what better place than the pocket. I find a 25ACP pocket pistol fits into the coin pocket of bluejeans with a Polo shirt to cover the grips works great.
So, the the question is would I recommend any or all of these weapons? Well it all depends on the situation.
In my experience there have been times the only weapon I could carry without arousing suspicion was a pocket pistol. I have carried at one time or another many of the pictured or similar weapons. Pocket pistols are always acceptable back-up weapons and I all ways advise when practical.
If you decide a pocket pistol is something worth considering in your personal defense arsenal, be sure to practise at the Pistol Range . The ammo is relatively inexpensive, so it won't break the bank to practice.
Taurus .25 cal Semi Auto |
Kel-Tec .32ACP Semi-Auto |
"The best we can hope for concerning the people at large is that they be properly armed."
(Alexander Hamilton)